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This page is dedicated to showcasing the machinery operated within our site, ensuring that visitors have a clear understanding of what to expect. It is vital to note that for your safety, wandering off the site without proper supervision is strictly prohibited. Certain areas within the premises are designated as prohibited areas, and it is crucial to respect these boundaries. Please familiarize yourself with the site map, along with safety precautions to ensure a secure and compliant working environment.

Caution: Front-End Loader weighing over 50 tons, poses significant dangers due to its immense weight and crushing power.​ Visitors should be aware of the following safety measures when near this machinery:

  1. Keep a safe distance: Maintain a minimum distance of [specific distance] from the loader while it's in operation.

  2. Authorized operation: Only trained and authorized personnel should operate the loader. Visitors should never attempt to operate the machinery without proper authorization.

  3. Visibility: Due to limited visibility from the operator's seat, it is crucial to ensure that you are always visible to the loader operator. Make eye contact or use appropriate signaling to communicate your presence.

  4. Prohibited zones: There are specific areas marked as no-entry zones. Visitors should strictly adhere to these restrictions and avoid entering these prohibited areas. Familiarize yourself with the site map.

  5. High-risk areas: Exercise caution when the loader is maneuvering, especially in areas with uneven terrain, slopes, or overhead obstacles.

  6. Never approach machinery when in operations.

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Caution: Trucks, known for their average weight exceeding several tons and powerful crushing capability, present significant dangers on the road. Exercise caution and maintain a safe distance when encountering these heavy vehicles to mitigate potential risks.

  • Maintain a safe distance: No one should be in close proximity to the truck except for the driver when preparing for unloading.

  • Avoid approaching moving vehicles: It is crucial to never approach a logging truck while it is in motion. Wait for the truck to come to a complete stop before approaching it.

  • Familiarize yourself with the site map: Take the time to review and understand the site map, which includes designated routes, parking areas, and any specific guidelines related to the movement of logging trucks.

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Caution: Reach stacker, also known as a crane, is a heavy-duty machine weighing approximately 50 tons, emphasizing the need for utmost caution and adherence to safety measures while operating or working near it. This machinery has limited visions to its surrounding, therefore it is paramount that you keep clear distance.

  1. It is strictly prohibited for anyone to walk under the container whether the machinery is in operation or not, as this poses a serious risk of fatality.

  2. Visitors should not be near the machinery operating area. Maintain a safe distance and avoid entering the designated working zone.

  3. For your safety, it is important to stay clear of the machinery, maintaining a distance of at least 10 meters away at all times.

  4. If you see a machinery in operation, you can establish contact with the driver using UHF channel 15, or alternatively, maintain constant eye contact with the operator to ensure awareness of each other's presence.

  5. Under no circumstances should anyone attempt to get on the machinery. Unauthorized access poses significant risks and should be strictly avoided.

  6. Respect and adhere to the designated restricted areas within the site. These areas are off-limits and should not be entered by any visitors.

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Caution: Forklift poses inherent dangers due to its lifting capacity and potential for accidents, emphasizing the importance of strict adherence to safety protocols. Forklift works within the warehouses, but from time to time will require to cross between warehouses.

When approaching a forklift as a pedestrian, please consider the following safety points:

  • Maintain a safe distance: Keep a safe distance from the forklift and avoid walking directly alongside or behind it. This helps ensure visibility and minimizes the risk of being struck by the forklift or its load.

  • Use designated walkways: Stick to designated pedestrian walkways and avoid crossing paths with forklifts unless it is absolutely necessary. Be aware of any marked crossing areas and use them safely.

  • Make eye contact with the operator: Establish eye contact with the forklift operator to ensure they are aware of your presence. This allows for better communication and reduces the chance of accidents.

  • Be alert and attentive: Stay attentive and be aware of your surroundings when near forklifts. Avoid distractions such as headphones or mobile devices, as they can hinder your ability to react to potential hazards.

  • Observe forklift warning signs: Pay attention to warning signs and signals specific to forklift operations. Follow any instructions or guidelines provided to ensure your safety.


Contact:   169-179 Dohertys Road

                  Laverton North 3026

                  Victoria, Australia

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